(This post was updated on 7/30/17)
July 22nd through August 22nd marks Leo season, the fifth sign of the zodiac. Here are some lion tattoos done by Kings Avenue artists!
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A post shared by KINGS AVENUE (@kingsavetattoo) on
Another expression- also more to come w this. Lion day is complete, thank you
A post shared by Justin Weatherholtz (@justinweatherholtz) on
Fun #liontattoo for John- thanks man, super fun
A post shared by Justin Weatherholtz (@justinweatherholtz) on
Close up from yesterday at @kingsavetattoo #babyilikeitroar
A post shared by Matt Adamson (@mattadamson) on
A post shared by Jason June (@jjun3) on
Latest addition on @shittyroommate by @chrisfernandeztattooing
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